A History of Modern Palestine

This series features Rashid Khalidi, the Edward Said Professor of Modern Arab Studies at Columbia University, and focuses on his book The Hundred Years' War on Palestine: A History of Settler Colonialism and Resistance, 1917-2017.

Episode 1

Discusses Dr. Khalidi’s inspiration and methodology behind the book, discursive shifts surrounding Israel-Palestine, the advent of Zionism, and more.

Episode 2

Covers Mandatory Palestine, how the English navigated Zionist and Arab nationalist interests, the 1936-39 uprising, the White Paper of 1939, and more leading up to the 1947 UN partition plan.   

Episode 3

Focuses on the development of a Palestinian national identity; how the Zionist movement was affected by World War II; the postwar conflicts in the region; and more. 

Episode 4

Examines the 1947 UN partition plan and outbreak of war, the UN Special Committee On Palestine (UNSCOP), U.K. General Order Wingate, the training and tactics of Zionist militias, and the historiography of Plan Dalet and the beginning of the Nakba.

Episode 5

Covers Israeli regional dominance in the postwar years, the so-called Arab Cold War, changes in the US-Israel relationship between 1956 and 1967, factors leading to the 1967 War, UN Security Council Resolution 242, and more.

Episode 6

Final episode of the series. Discusses the US ramping up aid to Israel in the 1970s, the factors leading to the PLO conducting operations from Lebanon, the 1982 Israeli invasion of the country, the Sabra and Shatila massacre, and more.